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Abdominal etching

What is abdominal etching?

What is abdominal etching? Abdominal etching is a type of liposculpturing (liposuction), also known as a suction-assisted liposuction (SAL), and is usually only performed if the right candidate has a firm, flat tummy. Some patients, however, have in the past had liposuction or tummy tuck surgery.

Abdominal etchings are a rather new liposuction technique that sculpts excess fat in the abdomen. This procedure has become especially popular in Houston, Texas and around the country. In some cases, abdominal etching has been used to remove tummy fat or shrink an enlarged stomach.

Abdominal etchings are a great way to improve your life and get six-pack abs.

Abdominal etching cost

The cost of treatment greatly varies depending on several factors, such as: the amount of fat removed, and the skill of the practitioner doing the work. It should be noted that this type of procedure is usually not covered by insurance, due to the fact that it is considered an elective or cosmetic treatment.

Ideal candidate for abdominal etching

What is the ideal candidate for abdominal etching? An abdominoplasty (abdominal) requires a long recovery period, and patients are often not ideal candidates for this operation. Patients commonly experience significant weight loss and significant bruising post-surgery. Patients that exhibit serious health concerns such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, or cancer, are not ideal candidates for abdominal etching.

As mentioned above, liposuction always usually is not necessary in the acute treatment of severe abdominal etching. The surgical removal of excessive fat is sometimes necessary to bring the patient’s abdomen into a more desirable contour. A patient should however have an ideal weight and body frame to allow for safe, effective, and even aesthetic surgical management of this symptom. Many different surgical techniques may be used to perform liposuction on the patient, and consultation with a plastic surgeon should determine which surgical technique is best for this treatment.

If you are an ideal candidate for liposuction, your surgeon will most likely start by examining you. This is when he or she will begin to evaluate your body’s health, determining if you are physically fit enough for this type of procedure.

Preparing for abdominal etching

After the consult has been made, you will be scheduled for the actual procedure. During this visit, you will have your initial consultation in which your plastic surgeon will ask you questions regarding your goals and expectations. He or she will also ask you about any pre-existing diseases, ailments, or conditions. You will then undergo several tests to ensure that you are an ideal candidate for the procedure. During your consult, you will have your consultation completed in the operating room where an IV will be provided to ensure that you receive adequate nutrition during the procedure.

How does abdominal etching work?

Abdominal etching is a surgical procedure that can be very beneficial if you are looking to achieve a more defined midsection. In this procedure, an incision is made in your abdomen where your navel will be removed. A special tumescent liposuction technique is used to sculpt the fatty tissue residing in this area, creating a tighter looking contour that is easier to notice. The results look fantastic and make your stomach look great even six months after the surgery. It is worth mentioning that these procedures should not be compared with a gastric sleeve surgery or with a gastric bypass surgery since their function is very different

Procedure for abdominal etching

The abdominal etching procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis. This means that you can go home the same day as the surgery. You should expect to experience soreness for a couple of days, but you will probably not miss work. You should still wear loose clothing in order to allow your abdominal muscles to heal properly. You should be able to return to normal activities in a week or so.

What to expect after abdominal etching?

For the first few days after your surgical procedure, you will experience some discomfort and possibly some blood spots. These will go away in a couple of weeks. However, you may experience some swelling, bruising, or tenderness for several months. In general, patients can resume normal activities within the first few weeks after their surgical procedures. Abdominal etching can be used to change the shape and size of the body, but this procedure cannot be used to correct a medical problem or to change the amount of fat in the body.

Abdominal etching before and after

With an internet search you can find many images of Abdominal Engraving before and after with which you can see some of the results that you can obtain