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Mini gastric bypass

Have you ever wondered how a surgery could change your life? The mini gastric bypass is not just an operation; it’s a journey to a new you. But what exactly does this procedure entail? Join me on this informative tour for all about this mini gastric bypass surgery.

What is the mini gastric bypass?

Mini gastric bypass is an advanced surgical technique designed for weight loss. It is less invasive than the traditional gastric bypass most of us are familiar with, making it a popular option. But how exactly does it work? Let’s break it down.

Surgical process

During this operation, the specialist surgeon creates a small pouch in the stomach and connects it directly to the small intestine. This reduces the amount of food you can consume and the amount of nutrients absorbed.

Who is eligible for this surgery?

Who qualifies for the mini gastric bypass?

Not everyone qualifies for the mini gastric bypass. Generally, it is ideal for people with a body mass index (BMI) over 40 or for those who are obese. However, there are more factors to consider.

Who does not qualify for mini gastric bypass?

If you have certain medical conditions, such as severe heart or liver problems, you may not be a candidate for this surgery. Your specialist will evaluate your complete medical history to make a decision.

Mini Gastric bypass surgery pros and cons

Like any medical procedure, the mini gastric bypass has its pros and cons.


  • Significant weight loss: Many patients lose a considerable amount of weight.
  • Improvement of associated diseases: It can improve or resolve conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension and more.
  • Faster recovery: Being less invasive, recovery is generally faster.


  • Nutritional deficiencies: There may be a lifelong need for vitamin supplements.
  • Side effects: Include nausea, vomiting, or intolerance to certain foods.

What are the side effects?

Side effects vary, but can include anything from gastrointestinal upset to changes in nutrient absorption. It is crucial to discuss these with your doctor.

Cost of the mini gastric bypass

The cost of the mini gastric bypass can vary. Although it may seem high, it is important to consider it as an investment in your long-term health and well-being. The price of the mini gastric bypass in the United States ranges from $16,500 to $22,500 US dollars.

How much weight can I lose with this surgery?

The amount of weight you can lose varies depending on your individual situation. In general, patients experience significant weight loss, which leads to an improvement in quality of life.

Durability of the procedure

A common question is: how long does the effect of the mini gastric bypass last? The answer is that, with a healthy lifestyle and medical follow-up, the results can be long-lasting.

Recommendations for before and after surgery

Preparing properly for bariatric surgery and following postoperative recommendations is crucial for success. This includes dietary adjustments, exercise and possibly psychological support.

Conclusion: Is the mini gastric bypass for you?

Now that you know the details, is mini gastric bypass the right choice for you? Only you and your medical team can decide. If you are considering this surgery, it is vital to talk carefully with a specialist.

contact the specialists at Bariatricsmx and learn about the prices and benefits of having this procedure performed at our hospital.