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Not losing weight after gastric sleeve

Gastric sleeve surgery is a surgical procedure that reduces the size of the stomach, which leads to a lower food intake and, therefore, to weight loss. However, there are some factors that may delay and influence the effectiveness of this surgery.

Why am i not losing weight after gastric sleeve surgery?

Unrealistic Expectations

It is critical to understand that while undergoing gastric sleeve surgery can be a great alternative for achieving weight loss, results are never guaranteed. Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment with progress over time.

Not following nutritional recommendations

Once surgery has been performed, it is of utmost importance to follow a specific nutritional plan. Failure to adhere to this plan can lead to not losing the expected weight, and may even lead to gaining more weight.

Lack of exercise

Staying active and physical activity is a very important addition to weight loss after surgery. Lack of regular exercise can slow down progress and cause you to miss your goals.

Metabolic problems

In some cases, problems such as hypothyroidism or polycystic ovary syndrome can affect and impact weight loss. It is crucial to consult with a medical specialist to rule out these conditions.

Excessive consumption of liquid calories

Among the beverages with excess calories, we can find sugary or alcoholic beverages that can contribute to weight gain. Even if they are calories in liquid form, they still affect the results.

What to do if you are not losing weight?

Once you have detected that you are not losing weight and if after making all possible efforts, you do not see results, it is important to go to your doctor or nutritionist to receive personalized guidance. You may need to adjust your eating plan or consider other interventions.

Other reasons that prevent you from losing weight

Gastric sleeve surgery have their good points and bad points, but more patients are finding that they can’t lose the weight after gastric sleeve and/or gastric bypass that they had to prior to having the procedure. Why is this happening? Obviously, the #1 main reason that you’re not losing weight after gastric bypass surgery is your lack of motivation to follow the recommended post-operative diet or the failure to understand the true importance of the post-operative diet. Both of these issues can be resolved with a little common sense and with the right guidance.

The very first step on your weight loss journey should always begin by learning what the diet will entail. You should be able to determine how many calories are needed for your goal weight, as well as the caloric intake for your daily activities. You should also be able to estimate how many pounds of fat you may actually need reducing. If you have any concerns regarding your ability to do so, speak with your physician. He or she may be able to help you design a realistic, effective weight loss journey that meets both your physical and medical needs.

If you’re on a post-op diet, you need to remember that you still need to eat when you’re hungry. Starving yourself is not the same as eating smaller, more frequent meals. This will only lead to excessive weight loss in the stomach area. Your body also requires at least eight hours of sleep every night. You can’t skip a sleeping period unless you are in a deep sleep; otherwise your body will not adjust to not receiving enough calories through food and nutrients.

Once you’ve lost weight through diet and exercise, you should continue to monitor your progress. Your surgeon may want to change the size of the pouch that is present in your abdomen. If he or she does this, there is no way to know whether or not your eating habits will improve when you return to your normal eating habits. You should monitor your progress regularly if you want to continue losing weight.

During your recovery period, make sure that you follow all of the instructions given by your surgeon, including keeping track of how much nutrition and calories you are consuming. Be careful about what you eat. Your surgeon will likely advise you to stay away from fatty foods as well as anything containing caffeine. In addition, be sure to discuss all medications and vitamins with your nutritionist before you begin any type of surgery.

After a Gastric Bypass or Banding procedure, many people choose to use an immediate stop smoking program. Unfortunately, this may not be enough to completely prevent you from gaining back the pounds you have lost during your recovery. The reason for this is that there are so many different factors that can impact your ability to stop smoking. Although you may have lost some weight during the first few weeks after your surgery, you may have gained back some as soon as you had your surgery.

Many people lose weight in a very short amount of time. They have the motivation and discipline required to maintain a healthier lifestyle after they have had a procedure like Gastric Bypass or Banding. However, it’s important to realize that many people who gain back most or all of the weight that they have lost within a short amount of time do so because of unhealthy eating habits. It’s very easy to get back into the habit of snacking and going to quickies once you have lost a lot of weight. As soon as you have achieved your ideal weight, make sure you begin eating healthier and exercising more regularly.

If you want to continue with a healthy lifestyle after your gastric sleeve operation then you will need to make changes to your lifestyle. This includes adding some cardio exercises to your daily routine and make sure that you are drinking plenty of water to ensure that you stay fully hydrated. You will also need to ensure that you don’t consume a lot of sweet foods or salty ones because these can negate the effects of your surgery. Remember to always stick to your goal of losing the amount of excess weight that you have gained during your bariatric surgery. If you start off by eating healthily and following a strict exercise plan, you will surely achieve your ideal weight and shape within a few months.


We know that failing to lose weight long after undergoing gastric sleeve surgery can be frustrating. However, understanding the reasons behind this phenomenon and taking appropriate measures will help you get back on track towards your weight loss goal.