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Morbid Obesity

What is morbid obesity?

It is when a person is extremely overweight and has few to no physical qualifications for normal daily activity. It is also known as being overweight and having high BMI or Body Mass Index. It is believed that approximately 20% of adults worldwide are considered to be morbidly obese and in many cases, this figure is even higher for children.

While obesity may not directly lead to such diseases as diabetes and heart disease, there is a correlation between the two. Obesity can lead to such conditions as sleep apnea, where in the sufferer has paused in breath while they are asleep. Sleep apnea can be very dangerous because it causes the sufferer to miss out on vital oxygen rich blood during their sleeping hours. This lack of sleep can eventually lead to other serious conditions such as heart disease and strokes, which in some cases, could prove fatal. These are only two examples of the complications that can occur as a result of the complications of obesity, and while there are more examples that can be given, these are the two that are more commonly associated with the problem.

There are many methods to prevent and treat excess body weight such as exercising and dieting. These methods can be very effective in helping to control the symptoms of obesity but for overweight people who are unable to lose the excess body weight, there are more drastic measures that need to be taken to achieve and maintain a healthy and realistic weight for an individual. What is morbid obesity and how is it linked to the larger issue of poor general health in today’s society is a question that must be answered in order to effectively treat and prevent the effects of obesity on an individual’s overall health and lifestyle.

Morbid obesity definition

If you are unsure what a morbid obesity definition is, it is very important for you to know. A definition for this condition would be one in which an individual has a BMI that is 40 or greater than the normal range for their age and sex. Typically, those who are involved in extreme sports, or athletes, will fall into this category. Other individuals may have higher weights, but due to other factors, they become overweight.

A morbid obesity definition is often associated with the terms morbidly obese, or morbidly obese with complications. Many people with this condition are considered to be morbidly obese with related issues. Due to the fact that they do not have proper nutrition and exercise, their weight increases, as opposed to someone who is able to eat properly and take part in a regular exercise program. For this reason, many times, the surgery associated with weight loss is sought out by these individuals, as well as related procedures, including bariatric surgery.

Due to the fact that many of these individuals are considered to be morbidly obese, the term ‘morbidly obese’ is used interchangeably with ‘obesity’ itself. An individual who has a high body fat percentage is considered to be obese. However, depending on a number of factors, an individual may not be considered to be obese. It is imperative that anyone who has a high body weight be monitored, as being over the ideal body weight, can actually be dangerous to your health.

Morbidly obese

Morbidly obese people are considered to be very overweight and is the worst possible thing that can happen to any human being. Morbidly obese people are at high risk for all kinds of illnesses and death if they do not get help soon. The average overweight person is over 100 pounds over their ideal body weight. This article will explore why you need to change your lifestyle if you are morbidly obese.

It has been proven that many people with Morbid obesity do not engage in physical activity in the way that they should. They have developed poor eating habits and poor physical activity habits. They do not exercise on a regular basis because they are scared that they might develop a weight problem or they don’t like the idea of having to actually move around and get their heart pumping. Lack of physical activity usually leads to more weight gain and more fat storage. As we are already aware, being overweight is extremely dangerous and can lead to a variety of medical problems if not managed properly. Therefore, if you are morbidly obese it is important to engage in some form of activity most preferably physical activity.

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, it is very important to take control of your life. You can start by changing your unhealthy eating habits and engaging in some form of physical activity on a regular basis. You can visit your local gym and work out with a group of other people who are also trying to achieve the same goal as you. If you are able to make this visit work, you can motivate others to join you in your goal of weight loss surgery and the freedom that come with it. Getting your life back together and becoming healthy is something that everybody can take advantage of and everyone deserves a second chance.

What are the degrees of obesity that exist? | Morbid Obesity

Beyond being only a problem related to aesthetics, to talk about obesity is to make it a focus of multiple disorders seriously harmful to health.

But not only obesity, but also overweight, which is defined as the “abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat harmful to health”, which can bring a whole series serious consequences for the human body, and even fatal .

Deepening a little in that last point, there are studies which indicate that people between 40 and 70 years who register a weight greater than 30% of the ideal, suffer a quite significant increase in mortality; up to 42% in men and 36% in women.

It is necessary to understand that the main reason for obesity and overweight is the presence of an energy imbalance in the relationship between the calories that are consumed and those we spend.

In order to diagnose the disease worldwide, the degrees of obesity of the World Health Organization (WHO) are used. Identifying if someone is overweight is really simple, because for this there is the so-called Body Mass Index (BMI).

It is an indicator which relates the weight and height, for which it is calculated by dividing the weight of a person (in kilograms) by the square of its size (in meters). In this way, every person with a BMI between 25 and 29.9 kg / m2, is considered as someone who is overweight. Above 30 BMI, there is already talk of obesity.

The WHO obesity degrees are the following:

  • BMI <18 Insufficient weight BMI 18.5 – 24.9 Normopeso BMI 25 – 26.9 Overweight grade I BMI 27 – 29.9 Overweight grade II (overweight)
  • BMI  30 – 34.9 Obese type I (Obesity type I) BMI 35 – 39.9 (Obesity type II) BMI 40 – 49.9 (Type III Obesity / Morbid Obesity)
  • BMI> 50 (Type IV Obesity / Superobesity)

It should be noted that the term “morbid obesity” was incorporated in the year 1963, this with the aim of emphasizing those diseases associated with extreme obesity that justify the performance of therapeutic intervention. On the other hand, people are in obesity grade II, III or IV, are candidates for surgical treatment.

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